Overnight Pony Trek & Hiking Information

Overnight treks are tailor-made to your requirements. They can last from one day to six days and even longer.  On your trek you will experience "THE REAL AFRICA". Trails traverse spectacular mountain passes and some of Lesotho's highest waterfalls.  

Hikers: Discover Slackpacking and "Take the Mickey out of hiking and hire a packhorse to carry your luggage".  (Request a quote).  The hiking routes are the same as the rugged mountain passes that the pony treks go on.

Accommodation is very rustic in a typical remote Basotho Village. Please remember that these treks are rough and tough, no frills whatsoever, ie. No showers, you bathe in the plastic basins and streams, No Flush Toilets, only Long Drop Toilets, No Chairs, very few tables. You sleep on mattresses on the floor. The huts are very basic and are equipped with a gas cooker, cooking, eating utensils and mattresses on the floor. The treks are self-catering - bring your own food and sleeping bags.  Catering (which consists of basic camping/non perishable foods) is available on request and sleeping bags are available for hire. 

A bucket of spring water will be brought to your hut that you use for cooking and refilling your water bottles. 

No riding experience is necessary. Basotho Guides and a packhorse accompany the treks. 

Expect about 7 hours of riding/hiking time each day. The distances are approximately 21 - 26kms per day depending on the Makhaleng river levels.  When the Makhaleng river is in flood, the distance is an extra 5kms on the first and last day. 

Maximum body weight for pony trekkers  = 90 - 100kg

Maximum luggage for each packhorses = 50kg



Pony Trek & Hiking ROUTES

2 Days: The Ribaneng Waterfall Trek 

2 days and 1 night in a village

Click here for a map with description of the trek


3 Days: The Ribaneng and Mountain Pass Trek 

3 days and 2 nights in a village

3 Days: The Ribaneng Waterfall View Trek

3 days and 2 nights in  the same village

3 Days: The Malealea Lodge to Semonkong Lodge (one way)

3 days and 2 nights in villages.  Book your own accommodation at Semonkong Lodge for the 3rd night of the trek.  Extra costs on this trek are as follows:  A transfer to fetch you from Semonkong Lodge and back to Malealea Lodge. Extra pony trek costs for 2 days for the horses and guides to return to Malealea.  (Request a quote)

Day 1 as for Ribaneng.  You have the option to hike to the waterfall that same afternoon - about 3 hours.  There won't be time to do this hike on day 2.


Day 2 is quite long, about 7 hours with stops.  Insist on seeing the top of the waterfall on day two, although this will add another hour onto the duration of the trek. Arrive at the village of Ha Hlalele, (Chief Matias), put gear in the hit, hire a guide and hike to the Ketane Waterfall for about 2 hours.


Day 3 to Semonkong Lodge (5 hrs).  Arrive by 1 and then spend the afternoon exploring the falls or ask your guide to take you via The Maletsunyane falls on the way to Semonkong Lodge.


4 Days:  The Ribaneng and Ketane Waterfall Trek

4 days and 3 nights in villages

Click here for a map with description of the trek

6 Days:  The Phororong Trek (Ribeng, Ketane and Maletsunyane Waterfalls)

Visit 3 of Lesothos highest waterfalls - Ribaneng Falls, Ketane Falls and Maletunyane falls (192m). On the 6 day trek, you will spend the night on Day 3 at Semonkong Lodge.  You need to make your own booking at Semonkong and check the rates directly.


Day 1 as for Ribaneng.  You have the option to hike to the waterfall that same afternoon - about 3 hours.  There won't be time to do this hike on day 2.


Day 2 is quite long, about 7 hours with stops.  Insist on seeing the top of the waterfall on day two, although this will add another hour onto the duration of the trek. Arrive at the village of Ha Hlalele, (Chief Matias), put gear in the hit, hire a guide and hike to the Ketane Waterfall for about 2 hours.


Day 3 to Semonkong Lodge (5 hrs).  Arrive by 1 and then spend the afternoon exploring the falls or ask your guide to take you via The Maletsunyane falls on the way to Semonkong Lodge.


Day 4 is 5 hours with stops. Arrive at the village of Ha Hlalele, (Chief Matias), put gear in the hit, hire guide and hike to the Ketane Waterfall about 2 hours.


Day 5 About 7 hours to SEKOTENG, a beautiful Village surrounded by a ring of Mountains, knows as “Sekoteng sa lifarike” which means “The trough which the pigs have dug!”  Chieftainess Matelang is your host


Day 6 is a long ride of 7 hours back to the lodge.


PLEASE NOTE: When the Makhaleng River is in flood, we have to use the bridge (see map on wall at the lodge).  This lengthens the trek on Day 1 and Day 6 by about another 2 hours extra making the trek really long.


Huts are equipped with gas cookers, pots & pans, cutlery, crockery, eating utensils & mattresses on the floor.  A bucket of fresh water will be supplied for washing and for cooking. If you need to use cutlery and crockery during the day – away from the huts ie for example, for lunch, then you will need to bring your own utensils and crockery just for lunches, but most people tend to make sandwiches at the huts to take with them or have a finger lunch.

What to wear on trek:

There are side panniers on your horse where you can pack items that you will need during the day such as a rain jacket, camera and snacks. 

Suggested Food List:


Suggested items of Clothing:

○   Change of clothing

○   Long sleeve trousers and long sleeve shirt.

○   Short sleeve shirt and shorts

○   Warm Fleece and Rain Jacket/Suit

○   Wide-brim hat and Sunscreen

○   Scarf around Neck.

○   Riding or Hiking Boots.  (Running Shoes will be fine)

○   Extra pair of shoes

○   Swimsuit

 Other necessary items:

○   White gold (Toilet Paper)

○   Dish washing liquid, dish sponge/cloth and drying cloth

○   Mosquito repellant and Insect spray (Doom)

○   Black Bin Bags

○   Bottle opener/can opener

○   Swiss army knife

○   Tupperware containers

○   Should you have a small camping stove, bring it along just in case.

Notice for overnight pony trekkers & hikers who are slackpacking

Be ready to leave from the lodge at the front of the reception at about 9.00am. Meet with your bags at the front of the Tack Room. This is where the treks start and the guides and horses will be waiting for you.  It will take time for the bags to be loaded onto the pack-horses.  

Before leaving on trek, pack all your extra belongings in your car and drive it to the reception area, where they will be stored in a safe place. Any valuables can be handed in at reception for safe keeping.  Any meat that requires freezing can also be left in the fridges.

We regret the fact that not all our Guides have a wonderful knowledge of English.  We use the English speaking guides whenever possible. 

Please remember that these treks are rough and tough, no frills whatsoever.

Try to balance the weights of your pannier bags to a reasonable degree. Wrap sleeping bags and clothing in plastic bags. If you don't have enough plastic bags, you can buy them at the bar for R10.  If there isn't enough room in the pannier bags for sleeping bags, they will be tied on top of the pack horse in separate bags. 

The weight limit per pannier bag is 25kg (50kg per packhorse, usually 4 persons to 1 packhorse).  In the case of extra weight,  an extra packhorse & guide, will have to be hire at an extra cost.  The weight limit per rider is 90 - 100kg.  Pony Trekkers: It is not advisable to carry heavy backpacks on the horses as it can lead to injuries . Should you run out of space in the panniers, inquire about hiring an extra packhorse. 


Wines and beer are sold at the lodge for “Happy Hours!”

There is very little, if any, WOOD at the outstations. If you want to braai you have to take charcoal, firelighters and a grill with you.

Each person should take at least 2 litres of water from the lodge for the first day. At the outstation you will be supplied with spring water. If you do top up along the way, be sure to collect only spring water from a spring higher than a village. DO NOT DRINK THE RIVER & STREAM WATER. If you have a sensitive stomach, use water purification tablets, although we do seldom have any problems when using correct spring water.

If you will be doing the Ribaneng hike, it is advisable to take an extra pair of shoes. Your shoes will get wet on the hike.

Please bring back all your rubbish from the village huts back to the lodge. Villages do not have rubbish dumps and we do not want to pollute the villages with our Western rubbish, cans, bottles and plastics. Do not throw your rubbish down the toilets at the outstations and do not give it to the local villagers to dispose of.  The rubbish will be disposed of properly at the lodge.

DO NOT give sweets to the kids. If you must give them anything, rather give fruit. Let the kids earn the handouts by rewarding them for doing things like taking a photograph, singing or carrying something for you. Use the kids as guides on hikes. Get the kids to pick up rubbish and reward them. Make them aware of pollution.

DO ask permission before taking photograph of the Basotho people you meet along  the route

Your dishes will be washed at the outstations. Arrange this with your guide.

Should you have a problem with the gas cookers, there may be an obstruction in the jets and too little gas is coming through. Simply unscrew the cooker top from the cylinder and try to suck out whatever is causing the obstruction in the jet.

You are under no obligation to feed your guides. It is your choice. They know to take their own food and water.

You are welcome to tip your guides, but payments for the trek should be made at reception on the day you leave.


Treks & Hikes are taken at your own risk. Please sign an indemnity forms before setting off on trek. Leave the name and number of your medical insurance at reception in case an emergency evacuation is required. Always wear a riding helmet on the pony trek. There are no back-up services with a vehicle to collect you should you falloff your horse or have a fall whilst hiking, you will have to return to the lodge by horseback.



Please remember that the Basotho Pony generally dislikes a tight rein. Keep the reins loose whenever possible, especially when mounting.

Should you have problems with your pony on trek; if your horse is too lazy or naughty, speak to your guide about changing horses with his horse.

The horses do not eat sugar, apples, etc.  Frasers store does keep fodder, so after the trek you can buy a treat for the horses if you wish. The horses eat peaches & peels on the ground and trees, so be careful in peach season. If you are holding the reins too tight, you could fall off when the horse aims for a peach!

Riding hints

Before mounting, make sure that the girth (the strap under the horse’s stomach) is tight. Adjust the stirrups so that your knees are slightly bent.When standing up in your saddle, your butt should be about 6″ (150mm)above the saddle. Once mounted, do not pull the reins up tight, you just may pull the horse over backwards. 

To make the horse go, sort of push the reins forward, dig your heels into the flanks (sides)of the horse and make a clicking noise. To steer the horse, move the reins across the horse’s neck. To go to the left, move the reins across to the left.  You will find that this can be better done using one hand only. 

When going up and down mountain passes, ride with loose reins. You will see that the horse steers using his head and neck.

Be firm with your horse. Use as much force as you feel necessary without hurting the horse. If you’re too soft with it, it will take advantage of you. If your horse is lazy, cut yourself a small stick and just show it to the horse. It should not be necessary to actually use it!!

There are several mountain passes which are quite hair-raising. If you don’t feel safe, you can get off the horse and walk. You must decide for yourself if this is the better course of action. The horses may occasionally stumble, but always manage to correct themselves. Do not panic. Have confidence in the horse and remain seated.

Horses do occasionally put their heads down to eat grass. If you are holding on too tightly, the horse will pull you over his head and you may fall off.